
There are many ways to use PyNets®: in a Docker Container, in a Singularity Container, using AWS Batch, or in a Manually Prepared Environment (Python 3.6+). Using a local container method is highly recommended. Once you are ready to run pynets, see Usage for details.

Hardware Requirements

PyNets is designed for maximal scalability– it can be run on a supercomputer, but it can also be run on your laptop. Nevertheless, exploring a larger grid-space of the connectome “multiverse” can be accomplished faster and more easily on a supercomputer, even if optimization reveals that only one or a few connectome samples are needed.

With these considerations in mind, the minimal hardware required to run PyNets is 4 vCPUs, at least 8 GB of free RAM, and at least 15-20 GB of free disk space. However, the recommended hardware for ensemble sampling is 8+ vCPU’s, 16+ GB of RAM, and 20+ GB of disk space (i.e. high-end desktops and laptops). On AWS and supercomputer clusters, PyNets hypothetically has infinite scalability– because it relies on a forkserver for multiprocessing, it will auto-optimize its concurrency based on the cores/ memory made available to it.


Another important ceiling to consider is I/O. Be sure that when you specify a safe working directory for the heavy metadata disk operations of PyNets. This can be set using the -work flag, and unless you have a really good reason, it should almost always be set to some variation of ‘/tmp’.

Docker Container

In order to run pynets in a Docker container, Docker must be installed. Once Docker is installed, you can simply pull a pre-built image from dockerhub as follows:

docker pull dpys/pynets:latest

or you can build a container yourself and test it interactively as follows:

docker build -t pynets .

docker run -ti --rm --privileged \
    --entrypoint /bin/bash
    -v '/tmp':'/tmp' \
    -v '/var/tmp':'/var/tmp' \
    -v '/input_files_local':'/inputs' \
    -v '/output_files_local':'/outputs' \

See External Dependencies for more information (e.g., specific versions) on what is included in the latest Docker images.

Singularity Container

For security reasons, many HPCs (e.g., TACC) do not allow Docker containers, but do allow Singularity containers.

Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version >= 2.5)

If the version of Singularity on your HPC is modern enough you can create Singularity image directly on the HCP. This is as simple as:

singularity build /my_images/pynets-<version>.simg docker://dpys/pynets:<version>

Where <version> should be replaced with the desired version of PyNets that you want to download.

Preparing a Singularity image (Singularity version < 2.5)

In this case, start with a machine (e.g., your personal computer) with Docker installed. Use docker2singularity to create a singularity image. You will need an active internet connection and some time.

docker run --privileged -t --rm \
    -v '/var/run/docker.sock':'/var/run/docker.sock' \
    -v 'D:\host\path\where\to\output\singularity\image:/output' \
    singularityware/docker2singularity \

Where <version> should be replaced with the desired version of PyNets that you want to download.

Beware of the back slashes, expected for Windows systems. For *nix users the command translates as follows:

docker run --privileged -t --rm \
    -V '/var/run/docker.sock':'/var/run/docker.sock' \
    -v '/absolute/path/to/output/folder':'/outputs' \
    singularityware/docker2singularity \

Transfer the resulting Singularity image to the HPC, for example, using scp.

scp pynets*.img

Manually Prepared Environment (Python 3.6+)


This method is not recommended! Make sure you would rather do this than use a Docker Container or a Singularity Container.

Make sure all of pynets’s External Dependencies are installed. These tools must be installed and their binaries available in the system’s $PATH. A relatively interpretable description of how your environment can be set-up is found in the Dockerfile.

On a functional Python 3.6 (or above) environment with pip installed, PyNets can be installed using the habitual command:

[sudo] pip install pynets [--user]


# Install git-lfs
brew install git-lfs (macOS) or [sudo] apt-get install git-lfs (linux)
git lfs install --skip-repo

# Clone the repository and install
git clone
cd PyNets
[sudo] python install [--user]

External Dependencies

PyNets is written using Python 3.6 (or above), and is based on nipype.

PyNets requires some other neuroimaging software tools that are not handled by the Python’s packaging system (Pypi) used to deploy the pynets package:

  • FSL (version >=5.0.9). See


    If you are using a debian/ubuntu OS, installing FSL can be installed using neurodebian:

    [sudo] curl -sSL >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/neurodebian.sources.list
    [sudo] apt-key add {path to PyNets base directory}/docker/files/neurodebian.gpg
    [sudo] apt-key adv --refresh-keys --keyserver hkp:// 0xA5D32F012649A5A9 || true
    [sudo] apt-get update
    [sudo] apt-get install -y fsl-core